So how do you start?
A teacher would say from the very beginning
The philosopher would say from where you left it off
The optimist would say from wherever you like
And the fool would say from the middle
All of them would be right, I guess
And don't we play all these roles each passing day?
The teacher, the student, the philosopher, the fool,
The optimist, the pessimist, the opportunist, the victim
Pieces of a whole. Passing currents.
Mistakes. Habits of a lifetime. Errors
Patterns in the sand which are etched so deep
You dig deep and change them, so that you may live
And live fully, freely, content and happy
With no need for self killing, dying a million deaths everyday
Always, it's you. Always it's part of you
You chose, hence you got. You did, hence you received.
Your call. Choose wisely. Gracefully, with dignity.
No drama, no romanticising, no sharp temper.
Grieve, for what will never be, for what was and move
Move on. Since life is like fastrack watches.
You exchange and you cross tracks. Habits of a lifetime
Life seems different everytime. At every turning point
That doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
But heart is still squeezed to a throbbing mass
But there is no cynicism, strangely just disappointment
Hurt, but strength. Of will, of mind, of heart
I write stupid. Write deep. Write convoluted.
How else do you clear the clutter?
In your heart and mind, in your soul?
I write sad, which will end soon.
Because leaning is not allowed
It is what is expected. Self pity is a trap
One which I can fall into
I've always got the "No Leaning" signal
I have to change my patterns, my stance
I am not inadequate, I am not worthless
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